Harlan Ellison 1934 – 2018

Support The Harlan Ellison® Books Preservation Project
I’m Jason Davis of HarlanEllisonBooks.com. Over the last five years, I’ve worked with Harlan to edit and publish 17 all-new Ellison collections, and now I want to finish the job by preserving every word Harlan’s written.
To that end, I have just launched The Harlan Ellison Books Preservation Project on Kickstarter. Please take a look at the project and support it by either backing the enterprise or spreading the word. Here’s a link:
[button url=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1387618382/the-harlan-ellison-books-preservation-project” target=”_blank” label=”SUPPORT THE HARLAN ELLISON BOOKS PRESERVATION PROJECT”]
The Ellisons and I thank you for your support.
A Special Offer on The Deadly Streets and Gentleman Junkie from HarlanEllisonBooks.com
As seen in the May/June 2015 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Harlan Ellison has acquired a supply of the beautiful Dillons-jacketed trade hardcover editions of THE DEADLY STREETS and GENTLEMAN JUNKIE AND OTHER STORIES OF THE HUNG-UP GENERATION published in 2013 by Subterranean Press. These are the fully cloth-bound trade editions, not the sold-out, leather-bound, signed and numbered editions.
HarlanEllisonBooks.com is offering unsigned sets for $60 (international shipping will be computed on a per-purchase basis).
To purchase an UNSIGNED set of THE DEADLY STREETS and GENTLEMAN JUNKIE, click here.
Please allow 24 hours for invoicing via PayPal.com. Unsigned books will ship within a week of payment. If you have any questions about your order, please contact the editor at Ellison.Editor@gmail.com.
Harlan Ellison reads from Again, Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word
Harlan Ellison speaks from his hospital room
As has been widely reported (by the Los Angeles Times, among others), Harlan Ellison suffered a stroke two weeks ago that left his right arm and leg paralyzed. His mind was unaffected and he’s entertained countless visitors, famous and infamous, from his hospital bed, fielding phone calls from long-distance well wishers.
In the two weeks since “the episode,” he’s nearly recovered the full use of the affected limbs and–as of my visit on Thursday, the 23rd of October–has set up his portable typewriter and returned to work. I’ve visited Harlan four times and found his dexterity much improved on each subsequent visit.
The following message was recorded during my visit.
I’ve been collecting all the messages sent to the ellison.editor@gmail.com address to show Harlan when he’s released from the hospital. He now claims he’s wasted time becoming “beloved” when he could have been the next Jack the Ripper or Attila the Hun.
Thanks–as always–for your support of Harlan and HarlanEllisonBooks.com.
Jason Davis
Click any of the book covers below to learn more about that title.
Happy 80th Birthday, Harlan!
Coming Soon
Watch Harlan Ellison talk about his two newest books!
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[button url=”https://www.createspace.com/Workflow/cart.do?action=jump&jump.step=cart&addCnt=4503060″ target=”_blank” label=”Add Brain Movies Vol. 5 to cart for $39.99″]
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